On the Bookshelf – Recent Reads

On the Bookshelf – Recent Reads

Authors, many without websites, from and about locations around the world.

Fantasy author delivers a terrific crime thriller – Dave DobsonWhat Grows From the Dead

North Carolina college professor, improv comic, and writer provides an ensemble cast supporting an unlikely hero who has hit bottom in life and career, only to find he had inherited little from his mom except trouble.

New book about an old cityRuth ReichlThe Paris Novel

Novelist and food writer takes us to Paris in the 1980’s with a young woman needing to find herself (not a cliche, but a charming rendition and tour guide.) Book Club book, gourmet treat, and travel instigator. Already looking at flights.

American Literary Icon who passed away in 2023 – Russell BanksAmerican Spirits

An American treasure whose stories focus on the locales and people in the Adirondacks of upstate New York.  Check out this recent PBS video tribute and a 1995 feature on CBS Sunday Morning which gives an interesting perspective on what young people cared about…30 years ago.

From the 1990’sHenning MankellFaceless Killers

Terrific series taking place in Southern Sweden and featuring Wallender, a main character played deftly on the PBS series by Kenenth Branaugh.

New book from old favorite – Tim O’BrienAmerica Fantastica 

An American Master returns: the author of The Things They Carried and In the Lake of the Woods delivers his first new novel in two decades.

First time author – Nilima RoaA Disappearance in Fiji

What is told as a mystery is really an amazing history lesson of British colonialism, and Indian and native culture in the Fiji Islands off the coast of Australia in 1914.

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