About Roaming The Arts
It all started with this idea…
Build a web site about writers, musicians, and artists, and build a “Fan Base” one site visitor at a time.

What Is The Site All About?
The Roaming The Arts site attempts to compile a comprehensive index of books and authors, musicians and bands, and a selection of visual art. The books cover popular genres, authors of note, suggestions for book clubs, and more. The music runs from Rock to Folk, Americana to Blues, and covers artists both new and with storied careers over decades.
Each post is a gateway to follow your favorite artists, some you have heard of, some known but forgotten and others hopefully found to be new and exciting. Embedded video, instant links to web sites all to create a true Arts browser. Check your favorite author to see when the next book is coming. This is fandom made easy.
There will be many well-known artists and authors not found on this site. Certainly not because they are unworthy. The Springsteen, Rolling Stones, Beyonce’s of the music world need no assistance to drive traffic to their web sites and create fans. Authors who are “household” names need no post here to sell a million copies of their latest book. That said, you will find very well-known artists on Roaming the Arts. Most of those have been followed by “cults” of fans over their entire careers and have emerged into the public eye. Indie Music is now mainstream for many reasons. Major label distribution is no longer paramount. Artists can use technology to record their music in so many ways and get it to their fans on CD, Vinyl, and instantly via downloads. Indie musicians of yesterday are indie music labels of today.
The mission of Roaming the Arts evolves. Drive traffic to web sites, feature those who have new music and books to share and are “trending,” and allow the browser to make connections and discoveries across a variety of genres focused on Indie, Roots, Americana, Blues, and Alternative on the music side and crime, thriller, and off-beat fiction for those who see reading as the great escape.
2020 Covid 19 Update
The times they are a-changin’. A sad truth in 2020. The music business and all the performers therein have a monumental challenge. With limited ability to perform live, the ability to deliver something of value and be compensated is a goal. We hope that we at Roaming the Arts, are being of some assistance in creating exposure and linkages on the internet where music performances now reside. For readers, the old saying, “So Many Books, So Little Time,” is only partially true. Restricting life outside the safety of our homes has some positives. If so inclined, time to read is one of them. Having a resource to discover new books and authors should be helpful.
Come back often.
Content is expanding regularly.
Warning: browsing can be addictive. The feedback received from site visitors has been positive, yet it has been stated that it is easy to get lost roaming, watching video, and visiting web sites that feature more video and incredible content, as well.
To view some extra content such as articles, interviews, recordings, weblinks and venues please see the additinal links for Roaming the Stacks and Roaming the Tracks below:
Please share your thoughts by email – info@roamingthearts.com
Interactive blog coming soon. What’s media without social?